HomeClimate SolutionsCarbon Calculator
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Identify potential for process optimization

Our carbon footprint calculators aid our clients in growing this understanding, and pave the way for setting up a climate strategy.

Carbon footprint calculation (and the subsequent drafting of a strategy) serves two purposes: Internally, it identifies potential for process optimization. Externally, clients can communicate climate action and performance to outside stakeholders.

How to calculate your carbon footprint

Learn more about our carbon footprint calculators.

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FORLIANCE’s carbon calculators

Carbon calculators are software solutions designed to enable various entities (organizations, companies, but also single events) to calculate their greenhouse gas emissions in a clear and structured way.

Our two main calculators focus on corporate carbon footprints and event carbon footprints.

Corporate Carbon Footprint: This calculator is built according to the principles of the GHG Protocol Accounting and Reporting Standard. It comprises Scope 1, Scope 2 and, crucially, Scope 3 emissions. Scope 1 includes all direct emissions (local heating and company-owned vehicles). Scope 2 encompasses indirect emissions (energy consumption). Scope 3 comprises other relevant indirect emissions (business travel, employee commuting, waste, etc.).

Analyse Your Corporate Carbon Footprint

Please note: For a more customized carbon footprint analysis and a deeper dive into the carbon management of complex value chains and production systems, please reach out to our analysts.Learn More

Event Carbon Footprint: This calculator takes a similar look at single events. It considers the core emission sources of each event: Mobility, logistics, location, overnight stays, catering, printing.

Calculate Your Event Carbon Footprint

Learn more about our event carbon footprint calculator.

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Both calculators offer a clear and easy way of calculating GHG emissions. An individual login enables you to save and edit your calculations anytime. The results are always available and can be used anywhere; they will be presented in a one-pager overview that graphically visualizes the footprint’s emission hotspots.

Our calculators can be adapted to your preferences or the event’s specific characteristics.

Other basic calculators: 

Calculate mobile emissions

Learn more about our mobility carbon footprint calculator.

Learn more

We also offer solutions which are tailor-made from scratch for your individual needs. Each calculator can be adapted to your own corporate design and offered in several languages.

Calculators can be embedded in your website for direct experience (and communication). Additionally, they can also be accessed via a personalized login. Both options offer the same depth of analysis.   


Communicate your actions

Advantages of our calculators

The concept of carbon footprinting is widely used as a tool for carbon management. It serves multiple purposes.

Internally, the calculation leads to a better understanding of a company’s own processes – including its strengths and weaknesses regarding climate action. The results may constitute a basis for future measures, be it emission reduction, carbon offsetting, climate reporting or any other emissions- and climate-related approach. The tangible result of your footprint aids you in genuinely communicating your actions towards climate protection with the outside world. It provides a basis on which you can engage in conversations with stakeholders – customers, investors, suppliers, (regulation) authorities, etc. – in order to improve engagement and dedication in protecting the climate.

Carbon calculator: The basis for climate action

We at FORLIANCE believe in technical innovation, corporate leadership and responsible entrepreneurship as suitable ways to tackle climate change and safeguard our common future. Our digital solutions support you in understanding your business’ impact on climate change and enable you to improve your carbon management.

We are among the most experienced in the industry and have helped developing pioneering projects, methodologies and techniques.

Evaluate your impact on climate change

Get in contact to start growing climate action.

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Kars Meijboom Forliance Staff

We look forward to hearing from you

Kars Meijboom
Manager Climate Strategy


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